If you go to about half way there is a race between a BMW M3 and a Toyota Prius… Again just something to think about…

So I got a link in an email from a friend the other day regarding the collective consciousness of mankind and the implications of the fear people have about 2012 etc.  manifestation, meaning that the worries and thoughts people think about and focus on can come true. Conversely we have the power to manifest wonderful peaceful things in this world.

The premise of the site mentioned above is that 1 million people agree to come together (starting on 11-11-10 at 11:11 EST) for 11 minutes each day for 11 consecutive days.

Have a look at a project that I just learned about today it is called – Global Consciousness Project this project was started in 1998.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is an international effort involving researchers from several institutions and countries, designed to explore whether the construct of interconnected consciousness can be scientifically validated through objective measurement. The project builds on excellent experiments conducted over the past 35 years at a number of laboratories, demonstrating that human consciousness interacts with random event generators (REGs), apparently “causing” them to produce non-random patterns. A description of the technical implementation is given under procedures.” – The quote above was taken from http://noosphere.princeton.edu/ the Global Consciousness Project’s website (with permission in accord with their terms

What will happen in the next 6,500 days?Kevin Kelley

The Database

Perhaps it is old, but certainly relevant.


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This is a cool thought process on Web 2.0 from Michael Wesch
Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

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We live in interesting times

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